Strategic choice for SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud as Expertum enters new growth phase

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Written by SAP in News , Public Cloud


Expertum, a leading provider of SAP solutions is embarking on a new growth phase. Expertum is currently operating in four countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Croatia) and has been intensifying its ambitions since investment company Sofindev recently joined. The move represents a crucial milestone in Expertum's mission to become a leading European strategic partner in SAP services.

Expertum Nederland 071

Accelerating growth

‘We want to further expand our capacity and innovative competences, broaden our SAP product offering and build long-term customer relationships,’ says Bert Vanstechelman, CEO of Expertum Belgium.

Those ambitious goals will be pursued through organic growth, supported by strategic acquisitions of complementary companies. But as with any growth, those strategic choices come with their own unique challenges.

Challenge-based choice

One of Expertum's biggest challenges is the decentralisation of its accounting processes, leading to inconsistencies and issues in delivering accurate reporting across different countries and entities. Such fragmentation not only hampers operational efficiency, it also creates a barrier to scalability which is key to the company's future growth. Moreover, specific legal requirements in countries such as Slovenia and Croatia add complexity to the reporting process.

SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud offers the solution. As the cloud-based technology supports complex legislation, it will allow Expertum to centralise and optimise their reporting, a significant improvement for the company.

With SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud, Expertum can not only comply with complex international legislation and improve operational efficiency but also lay the foundation for scalable growth. In addition to the internal implementation of S/4HANA Public Cloud, this is also a strategic proposition, with a specific focus on supporting the mid-market segment.” says Chris van Gerven, CCO of Expertum NL

Efficiency and growth go hand in hand

Choosing SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud represents a fundamental improvement in Expertum's reporting capabilities and operational efficiency.

By centralising our accounting and consolidating our various tools, we can deliver faster and more accurate reports to both management and the board of directors. This is crucial to support Expertum's further growth and achieve our strategic goals.

Bert Vanstechelman, CEO of Expertum Belgium

Overall impact

The implementation of SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud will have a significant impact on Expertum's business processes and will be felt all across the company. From consultants who will use the new technology for their time-tracking to leadership teams preparing project reports and administrative teams responsible for accounting, controlling and invoicing - everyone in the company will be included in the change in one way or another.

By consolidating various tools, Expertum's administrative and support departments will be able to better support their consultants and report more accurately to management and the board of directors.

A strategic choice

For Expertum, the choice of SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud is not just strategic, but also a logical step as an SAP partner. ‘For SAP, S/4HANA Public Cloud is a strategic product, and it is very important for us to also embrace the technology internally. The implementation allows us to integrate our business processes across countries. Moreover, it allows us to convince our customers of solution’s strength as we apply the walk-the-talk principle ourselves,’ says Bert Vanstechelman.

Through their choice, Expertum is laying the foundation for a future in which it not only continues to grow, but also strengthens its position as a leading strategic partner in Europe. It is more than a technology upgrade; it is a strategic investment in the future of the company and in the value it offers to their customers.

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